5 Leadership Trends to Embrace Now to Prepare for 2022
As we approach the end of 2021, it’s time to reflect upon just how hard the pandemic rocked the business world. Some leaders are embracing change, inspired to grow their businesses in a new way. Others are being forced into a different way of thinking and acting, desperately hoping that things will get back to normal. Whatever that is.
Being Sensitive and Still Building Business in a Pandemic
The pandemic has thrown a big wrench in the working of virtually all businesses. While many businesses are operating at a limited capacity, working remotely, or planning their exit, you don’t have to go in the same direction.
Top Tips and Ideas on How to Improve Customer Engagement
It’s almost impossible to discuss how businesses can connect with their customers without mentioning customer engagement. To keep your business up and running and profitable, you need to build a community of loyal customers — those that will stick with your brand through thick and thin.
6 Techniques Business Owners Should do in 2021
It is still very much a time of great uncertainty for many. It can be hard for people, customers, and business owners to look past the short-term challenges that they might be facing right now (especially off the back of a difficult 2020). That’s why one of the best things you can do right now is to reassure your customers you are still there for them, even if that looks a little differently from how it did a year ago. Reconnection is the best way to do this, keep the lines of communication open as best as you can.
Stay ‘Top of Mind’ During the Holidays
The holidays can be a tricky time for businesses to navigate. It’s easy to come off as too aggressive and promotional – no one really wants that around the holidays. Especially not previous customers you already have a relationship with. The same is true if you’re in an industry that doesn’t really work for the holidays.
Four Ways to Build Trust with Potential Customers
Our primary goal should be to build relationships rather than just driving the volume of transactions. Relationships, in turn, can lead to transactions and tend to be much more enduring. Our relationship, over time, can actually become part of the product offering.